- 作品出处:
- 点击查看
- 人物分类:
- 卡通人物
- 是否绑定:
- 已绑定
- 材质贴图:
- 有材质
- 有无动画:
- 无动画
- 文件格式:
- Maya(*.mb *.ma)
纯搬运作者免费分享 如果觉得做的好还请刀原链接支持作者 版权归属原作者 Thank you for using our character Kynan! Release Date: 29th January 2022 Latest Update: 11th June 2023 ----------------------------- PLEASE CREDIT US!!! Kynan Model by Vincent Lu - https://vincentlu.artstation.com/ Kynan Rig by Jacky Coh - https://jackycoh.portfoliobox.net/ This product is owned by The Game Assembly - https://www.thegameassembly.com/ ----------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTES: This rig was made with Maya 2022. It may not be compatible with older or newer versions. This rig was made with a student license. You may only use this rig for personal use. This model uses primarily Albedo, Material and Normal texture maps. There are 2 unique texture maps for hair and eye shadow. If you do not see any textures, try "Set Project" function. - Albedo map connects to Base Color. - Material map (Red channel) connects to Ambient Occlusion. - Material map (Green channel) connects to Roughness. - Material map (Blue channel) connects to Metalness. - Normal map connects to Normal. - Eye shadow Alpha map connects to Transparency/Opacity. - Hairflow map connects to Tangent. (Unreal Engine 4 only) - This rig uses BLENDSHAPES. To export blendshape Skeletal Mesh to game engine, export the mesh as usual in Maya. Make sure "Blend Shapes" is checked. In Unreal Engine 4, Check "Import Morph Targets" when importing Skeletal Mesh. To export blendshape Animation to game engine, export the joints as usual in Maya. Make sure "Blend Shapes" is checked. You do not need to export joints and mesh together. - This rig uses DYNAMICS and JIGGLE DEFORMER. To activate them in Maya, Select Dynamics_ctrl and enable Dynamics / Jiggle. To export them to game engine, bake simulation on the skin joints. ----------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES: Low fps may cause undesired movement on dynamics and jiggle, thus playblasting or baking simulation is recommended. ----------------------------- Send questions, feedback or report bugs here: cohjacky@gmail.com 根据您的等级权限,您可以免回复直接查看内容,升级到更高等级可获得更多方便的权限哦~该文件免费
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