Maya Playback Speed Slider

发贴时间:2024-04-23 11:14 


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本帖最后由 小佑 于 24-4-23 14:18 编辑


Seamlessly control your scene's playback speed in Maya!Polishing animation takes time - and things get harder and harder to see after spending more and more time with your shot. Even more, when all is done, the shot comes back with notes on fixing subframes for motion blur or game-engine interpolation issues.
Why not fix all of that in Maya by watching the animation in slow motion, right there in the viewport?
With this script, you'll get a slider control that is neatly dockable and lets you seamlessly control the scene's playback speed to super slow motion! Polish your animation with ease! Fix all those arcs by just looking at them! Clean up sub-frames before anyone notices!
About:Tetsuo Animation Studio is a small animation studio from Germany focusing on lovingly crafting character animation for cut-scenes, cinematics, film, TV and advertising. We build tools like this to support us and love to share them with the community.
You can support us by checking out and sharing our work or even hiring us:
Important notes:
  • Use it from the shelf or your script folder
  • Bound to viewport framerate - won't speed up slow rigs ;)
  • Python 3
  • Includes two versions:
    • Standard: Uses PyMel - PyMel is not part of the standard installation in Maya 2024+ - please follow Autodesk's guide on how to get it here:Install PyMel in Maya 2024
    • Cmds: Uses normal Maya cmds, no PyMel required
  • Tested with Maya 2023,
  • Works with Maya 2024.
  • Should support all other Maya versions with Python 3 ( 2022+ ) and might even work in older versions.
Distributed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Rig in all images is Miku by Kiel Figgins



大小:4.53 KB
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